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최정훈박사 연락요청

페이지 정보

작성자 Sookyung Kim 조회조회 223회 작성일 24-07-31 05:53


아래 이메일을 최정훈박사에게 전해주십시오. 미국에 있는 가족입니다. 


Dear brother,

Greetings  This is Sookyung Kim from New York. I have lost all the contact information due to my accident, even my email. I found this way through internet. Would you please contact Jeong-Hwan about this matter? Thank you.

My new email address:  kimchloe10035@gmail.com

Phone number:  +1 646 734 3404

Yours truly,

Chloe Sookyung Kim, Ph.D.